(Extended List of Dark Army Members: Part 1).
- The Architects (true leaders)
- The Great Darkness (false leader)
- The Brujería
- Manny (leader)
- Lamashtu
- "Vincente" (Nahash)
- Furcifer
- Ghosts
- Imogen
- Jacob Shaw
- Karabas
- Mrs. Lannis
- Coblynau
- Resurrection Crusade
- The Brujería
- Legion of Doom/Secret Society of Super-Villains/Injustice League
- The Light (leaders)
- "The House of Brainiac" (The Council of Light) (leaders)
- Brainiac Prime (Vril Dox I) (Earth 0) (leader)
- Aquaman clone
- The Avatar of Magic
- The Avatar of Meta
- The Avatar of Tech
- The Brainiac Brood Guardian
- Brainiac Eradicator
- Brainiac Guardian MK-XXII
- Brainiac Virus
- Bane robot
- Black Adam robot
- Black Manta robot
- Cheetah robot
- Clayface robot
- Composite Superman robot
- Darkseid robot
- Deadshot robot
- Deathstroke robot
- Doomsday robot
- General Zod robot
- Gorilla Grodd robot
- Harley Quinn robot
- Joker robot
- Killer Croc robot
- Lex Luthor robot
- Man-Bat robot
- Mongul robot
- Parasite robot
- Penguin robot
- Professor Pyg robot
- Reverse-Flash robot
- Riddler robot
- Scarecrow robot
- Silver Banshee robot
- Sinestro robot
- Two-Face robot
- Brainwyrm
- Doomsday clone
- El Dorado clone
- Prime Servitor
- The Prime-Avatar of Magic
- The Prime-Avatar of Meta
- The Prime-Avatar of Tech
- Scorpionod MK-1
- The Sunstone Broodmother
- The Sunstone Herald
- Superman android
- The Supreme Justice
- The Voice of Rao (host)
- Wonder Woman android
- The Zetta-Drone
- Brainiac (Vril Dox I) (Earth-One)
- Brainiac (Vril Dox) (New Earth/Earth-0)
- Brainiac (original) (Earth 12)
- Brainiac (Lex Luthor) (Earth 12)
- Brainiac (Vril Dox) (Futures End)
- Brainiac 13
- Brainiac (Milton Fine)
- Brainiac Prime (Vril Dox I) (Earth 0) (leader)
- Lex Luthor (Earth 0)
- Agent Incorruptible
- Attack Dog One (William Roberts)
- Black Widow ("Desirée Atkins") (ex-wife)
- Booster Gold android
- Brutus
- "Chip" Peterson
- Costello
- The Council of Luthors
- Darla
- Doctor Winger ("Roads Not Taken" Timeline)
- "Doomsday"
- Dr. Ariana Carlin (ex-wife)
- Dr. Odessa Vexman
- Dr. Saxon
- Dr. Toni Baines
- "Esteban" (Steve)
- Eve Teschmacher
- Grant
- "Hacksaw" Kronick
- Helen Bryce (ex-wife)
- Hulk robot
- Ignatius (iguana)
- Infinitors
- Insurgence Team
- Jessica Morganberry
- Joey
- The Jons
- Jules Johnson
- Kahina Ziri
- Kinky
- Kitty Kowalski
- Lachlan Luthor (grandfather)
- Lenny Luthor
- LexCorp
- "Adam Knight" (Chad Nash)
- Agent Frank Loder
- Agent Tobin
- Alana
- Alex
- Apex
- Arthur Ivo (Earth 12)
- Asabi
- Bob
- Brady
- Captain Nichols
- Carrie Castle
- Carter Bowfry
- Casey Brock
- Clock King
- Colin
- Construx Industries
- Corrine Harper
- Darius
- Doctor Richards
- Dominic Sanatori
- Dr. Alfonso
- Dr. Asuka
- Dr. Bauer
- Dr. Caselli
- Dr. Christina Lamell
- Dr. Edward Groll
- Dr. Jonah Doyle
- Dr. Langston
- Dr. Lia Tang
- Dr. Otis Ford
- Dr. Robert Bethany
- Dr. Sinclair
- Dr. Teng
- Dr. Toby
- Driver (Martin Schaerer)
- Earl Jenkins
- Edwards
- Eliska
- Gabrielle Vaughn
- George
- Gina
- Gittes
- Gregory
- Griff
- Hazlewood
- Heike
- J.D.
- Jack Cole
- James Beels
- Kat
- Keating
- Kitty
- Lenkov
- Lyle
- Mack
- Mary
- Max Kasich
- Meechum
- Meli
- Milash
- Miriam
- Monica
- Mr. Raines
- Mr. Simms
- Mrs. Palmer
- Officer Mason
- Orville Gump
- Pamela Jenkins
- Peter Dinsmore
- Pierce
- Professor Emmett Vale and Rollie Vale
- Project Ares
- Jason Bartlett (supervisor)
- Ares I (Wes Keenan)
- Ares II
- Dr. Donovan Jamison
- Project Gemini
- Project Scion
- Ray
- Regan Matthews
- Robert Pontius
- Roger
- Safetex
- Sergeant Corey Mills
- Sydney Happersen
- SynTechics
- Tad
- Terrence
- Tiffany
- Will
- "Lex Luthor" (Black Kryptonite Duplicate)
- Lex*Tel Communications
- Little Lexi (dog)
- Louis Leery ("imaginary friend")
- Lucas Luthor (half-brother)
- Rachel Dunleavy (mother)
- Dirk Lee
- Lucinda Luthor
- Lulu (Specimen LV1U)
- Marshall
- The Metallo Protocol
- Monique Khan
- Mr. Devane
- Mr. Eelan
- "Mr. Smith" (Lex Luthor, Jr.) (son)
- Mrs. Cox
- Ms. DaCosta
- Nigel St. John
- Nuclear Man (1st)
- Nxylygsptlnz A.I.
- Otis Grisham
- Purple Superman (Otis)
- Presidente Kurosawa
- Randall Pillich
- Red, White, and Blue androids (Earth 22)
- Rex Ruthor
- Riley
- Stanford
- Students for Lex Luthor
- Samantha Drake (leader)
- Doug
- James
- Superboy robot (Earth-153)
- Superior Man I (John Corben) (Earth 12)
- Superior Man II (Kal-L clone) (Reality Undetermined)
- Superman (Kal-El clone) (Reality Undetermined)
- Superman robot (Earth 12)
- Vatman (Kal-El clone) (Reality Undetermined)
- Wonder Woman (Diana Luthor) (Reality Undetermined)
- X (Jaxon Xavier) (son)
- Arion clone
- Bad Samaritan (Zviad Baazovi)
- Bane (Antonio Diego)
- Black Adam (Teth-Adam)
- Black Manta (David Hyde)
- Blockbuster (Mark Desmond)
- The Brain
- Brian (brother)
- Brotherhood of Evil
- Adonis
- Andre Le Blanc
- Angel
- Aquaman clone
- Atlas
- Beast Boy clone
- Billy Numerous
- Black Canary clone
- Bob
- Cinderblock
- Control Freak (Conrad Tiberius Frakes)
- Ding-Dong Daddy (Dowd)
- Elephant Man (Ollie)
- Fang
- Firestorm clone
- Garguax the Decimator
- Gemini
- General Immortus
- General Zahl
- Gizmo II
- Goldilocks
- H.I.V.E. Headmistress
- Houngan (Jean-Louis Droo)
- I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R.
- Jinx
- Johnny Rancid
- Kardiak
- Katarou
- Killer Moth (Earth-2003)
- Kitten
- Kyd Wykkyd
- Mister Nobody (Eric Morden)
- Brotherhood of Dada
- Brotherhood of Dangerous Animals
- Brotherhood of Nada
- Peanut Butter
- Mad Mod (Neil Richards)
- Madame Rouge (Laura De Mille)
- Malchior of Nol
- Mammoth (Baran Flinders)
- Master of Games
- Monsieur Mallah
- Mother Mae-Eye
- Overload
- Phobia (Angela Hawkins III)
- Plasmus (Otto von Furth)
- Plastic Man clone
- Private H.I.V.E.
- Professor Chang
- Psimon (Simon Jones)
- Punk Rocket
- Puppet King
- Red X II
- Rog I
- Rog II
- Samuelson
- See-More
- Señor Martinez (Sturmbannführer Heinrich Von Fuchs)
- Silverback
- The Source
- Steamroller
- Superman clone
- The Witch
- Trident
- Trinity
- Warp (Emil LaSalle)
- W.R. Wintergreen
- Wrestling Star
- XL Terrestrial
- The Clam Monster
- Darkseid (Uxas)
- Amazing Grace
- Beguiler (Earth 2)
- Brimstone (Quellzorn)
- Brutaal (Kal-El clone) (Earth 2)
- Captain Atom (Nathaniel Adam) (Reality Undetermined)
- Clot
- Court of Apokolips (Earth 2)
- Dark Kahn
- Deathspawn (Earth 2)
- Deep Six
- DeSaad
- Devilance the Pursuer
- Domhamar the Defiant
- "Doomsday"
- The Evil Factory
- Female Furies
- Four Furies (Earth 2)
- Gordon Godfrey
- Hakkou the Irradiated Man (Ryouta) (Earth 2)
- Injustice Incarnate
- Intergang
- A.J.
- Amy
- The Appellaxian Golem
- Atom-Man (Henry Miller)
- Bill Church, Sr.
- Bill Church, Jr.
- Blaine
- Bowser
- Diana Stride
- Fey
- Fletcher
- Gregor
- Johnny
- Lucky Leon (Vacilli Salchenco)
- Martin Snell
- Mindy Church
- Mister Darryl
- Morgan Edge
- Norman
- Officer Larry Chapman
- Onomatopoeia (Peia Mannheim)
- Ricky
- Rolf
- Ron Milano
- Science Squad
- Smith
- "Sneaky" Doyle
- "Spider" Spinelli
- Toymaker (Cosmo Krank)
- Trouble
- The Underboss
- Vigilante (Phillip Karnowsky) (Arrowverse: Earth-38)
- Warden Wyatt Kote
- Kalibak
- Kanto (Illuthin)
- Kazana
- Mantis I
- Mantis II
- Minion 422/B16
- Parademons
- Plasma (Ana von Furth)
- Ravok the Ravager
- Robots:
- Thrall (Earth 2)
- Virman Vundabar
- X-Tract (Cameron Chase) (Earth-Two)
- Young Darkseid (Reality Undetermined)
- Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
- Killer Frost I (Crystal Frost)
- Klarion the Witch Boy (Klarion Bleak)
- The Joker (Jack Oswald White) (Earth 0)
- Abner
- Bethany (girlfriend)
- Bill Zenowith
- Blob-Thing
- Brian Patchett
- Captain Hunter Griggs
- Carl
- Chuckles
- Dopey
- Elmo
- Elsie
- Eyeball Man (Stan)
- The Fearsome Phantom Fountain
- Francine
- Frank Boles
- Frank Dumfree
- Gaggy
- Gary
- General Booms
- Giggles
- G-Nome
- Goat Head Priest
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) ("The Gift" Universe)
- The Grin Twins
- Grumpy
- Ha-Ha Thug
- Happy
- Joker-Fish
- Joker-Mite
- Jokers of All Nations
- Jokers of the Multiverse
- The Choker (Earth 6)
- The Croaker ("Farm League" Universe)
- The "Five Jokers" (Arkhamverse)
- "The Great Rudolpho" (Jerome Valeska) ("Gotham" Universe)
- The Cult of Jerome
- Dwight Pollard
- Jongleur
- The Maniax Band
- Officer Andrew Dove
- The Legion of Horribles
- "Butch Gilzean" (Cyrus Gold) ("Gotham" Universe)
- Gilzean Crime Family
- Carl
- Lady Firefly (Bridget Pike)
- Various unnamed criminals
- "Butch Gilzean" (Cyrus Gold) ("Gotham" Universe)
- The Maniax
- The Cult of Jerome
- Joker XIX (Alternate Future)
- The Joker (Arthur Fleck) ("Joker Movie" Universe)
- Penny Fleck (mother)
- Joker (Dead Earth Universe)
- "Joker" (Darrin) (Realworlds Universe)
- The Joker (Earth 12)
- The Joker (Earth 50)
- The Joker (Earth 66)
- Boff
- Bolt
- Chartreuse
- Cornelia
- Emerald
- Ernie
- The Giant Clam
- Jill
- Josie Miller
- Jupiter
- Latch
- Laugher
- Mars
- Mercury
- Mr. Glee
- Mrs. Green
- Neptune
- Nick
- Oliver
- Professor Greenleaf
- Queenie
- Riptide
- Saturn
- Shamrock
- Smiley
- Stanley
- Susie
- Two Bits
- United Underworld
- Undine
- Uranus
- Venus
- Verdigris
- W.C.
- Wipe Out
- Yock
- The Joker (Earth-Two)
- "The Joker" (Gamblin' Jack Dent) (Ame-Comi Universe)
- The Joker (Jack Napier) (Earth 789)
- The Joker (Jeremiah Valeska) ("Gotham" Universe)
- Church of Jeremiah
- Ecco (leader)
- Martha Wayne impostor
- Thomas Wayne impostor
- Church of Jeremiah
- The Joker ("Nightmare of Darkness" Universe)
- Joker (Steve) (Earth 0)
- Joker 2.0 (Reality Undetermined)
- The "New Joker" (Reality Undetermined)
- Pagliacci (Earth-50)
- "The Psychopath" ("The Joker Movie" Universe)
- Jokerz
- A.J.
- Bernie
- Boffo
- Bonk (Ben Knox)
- C.C.
- Canasta
- Chuckles
- Chucko (Charles Buntz)
- Coe
- Cookie
- Dee Dee (Delia and Deirdre Dennis)
- Dottie
- Ghoul (Stewart Carter Winthrop III)
- Harlette
- Hearts
- J-Man
- Joker King (Doug Tan)
- Juanita
- Lee
- McG
- Melanie Walker (Earth 50)
- Pally Otchee
- Punchy
- Rummy
- Scab
- Scar
- Smirk
- Spike
- Sunshine
- Tayko
- Terminal (Carter Wilson)
- Trey
- Tux Joker
- Weasel
- Woof
- Zee
- Judy
- Kennie
- Kent
- Kiki Roulette
- Kilson
- Lauren
- Marty Slacker
- Mister Hammer (Abramovichi)
- Muscle Man
- Nolan
- Orville Baker
- Panda Man
- Pete Hawkins
- Prank (Donnie)
- Punch
- Punchline (Alexis Kaye)
- Crazy Eights
- Punchy
- Razor
- The Red Hood Gang
- Rico
- Sea Urchin
- The Spirit of the Cavern (projection)
- Stan
- Steve
- Steve Harwood
- Terry
- Thomas Schiff
- Throwbacks
- Uncle Jingles
- The Weasel (Danny Weaver)
- Weepy
- Willy Deever
- Yakky
- Felix Faust
- Mister Freeze (Victor Fries)
- Coldcut
- Cool
- Fred
- Frostbite
- Frosty
- Icehouse Wallace
- Icy
- Johnny
- Kevin
- Morgan
- Ms. B. Haven
- Professor Frost
- Regulators
- Shaka and Notchka
- Ocean Master (Orm Marius)
- Ocean Master (Orm Marius clone)
- Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)
- Professor Ivo (Anthony Ives)
- The Crew of "The Amazo"
- "The Captain" (leader)
- The Butcher
- Professor Ivo android
- The Crew of "The Amazo"
- Professor Hugo Strange
- Queen Bee
- Ra's al Ghul
- League of Assassins ("Society of Assassins/"Order of Assassins")
- Talia al Ghul (تاليا الغول)
- Abdul Ben Hathor
- Aktab
- Al-Owal
- Al-Sarab (Maseo Yamashiro)
- Alpha (Michael Sommers)
- Angels of Death
- Anubis
- Arkady Duvall
- Barsad
- Bethanie Ravencroft
- Bolt Claw
- Burning Claw
- Captain Zane
- Chase
- "The Chief"
- Crucible
- Curaré
- Cypher
- Delta Force ("Gotham" Universe)
- "Evil Arrow" (Ra's al Ghul) (Arrowverse)
- General Wade
- Gismail
- The Grand Assassin
- Grisaam
- Hans Gerlicht
- Hassan Ibn Sadah
- The Hunter
- Koru, the Demon's Right Hand
- Krunk
- Leviathan (organization)
- Leviathan (Mark Shaw) (Earth 0) (leader)
- Agent Nakamura
- Agent Whitney
- Aftermarket
- Allie
- Bloodvessel
- Breacher
- Caroline O'Connor
- Casey Klebba
- Chimera
- Cradle
- Doctor Dedalus (Otto Netz)
- El Papagayo
- Ezar
- Frau Netz
- Gary
- General Malenkov
- The Ghost of General Custer
- Gillian Kale
- Goatboy
- Grave
- Guile
- Gunn
- Hangman (Jack Ketch)
- The Heretic (Damian Wayne clone)
- Imperceptible Man
- Jonah Nine
- "Kate Spencer"
- Killbox
- La Dama (Amparo Cardenas)
- Bone-Crusher
- Calvin
- Coyote
- Diviner
- Headmaster
- Legion of Death (Justice League 3000 Universe)
- Spinner
- Lady Tiger Fist
- Margot Morrison
- Miss Hexley
- Mister Yakuza (Oyabun Noguri)
- Mr. Remedy (Robespur)
- Mr. Tanaka
- Mumbo Jumbo
- Omar Farouk
- Quietus
- Raze
- Red Rippa (Sam Black-Elk)
- Sheikh Ibn Ali Farouk
- Son of Pyg (Johnny Valentine)
- The Turnip Twins
- unnamed Sun-Eater
- Veiniac
- Wishbone
- The Worm Captain
- Zygo
- Los Gemelos
- Lying Claw
- Mad Dog
- The Master Assassin (Devon)
- Mister Zero (Zeh-ro)
- Momotado
- Mutro Botha
- Nightlord
- Ox
- Palden
- "The Priestess"
- Provenance
- Ra's al Ghul (Damian Wayne) (Futures End)
- Ra's al Ghul decoy
- The Red Hooded Ninja
- Rictus (Earth-16)
- Rip Roar (Russ Rogers)
- Serpent Claw
- Sisters of the League
- Spectra
- Talibah (Mesi Natifah)
- Thanatos Guild
- Athena (leader)
- Tigressa
- Tigris
- Trunks
- White Ghost (Fadir Nasser)
- White Willow
- Algon
- Carl
- Carter
- Mikey
- League of Assassins ("Society of Assassins/"Order of Assassins")
- The Riddler (Eddie Nashton)
- Across
- Anna Gram
- Betsy Boldface
- Cauliflower
- C.B.
- Dan
- Down
- Fangs
- Inquizitor (Craig)
- Jeffrey Porter
- Jonathan Krauss
- Kayo
- Lila
- Luke Foster
- Manny
- Matches
- Mole Hill Mob
- Moth
- Mousey
- Pauline
- Professor Avery Evans Charm
- Riddlette (Myrtle Jenkins)
- Riddle U
- Tallow
- Tanner
- Toymaker (Griffin Krank)
- Von Bloheim
- Whiskers
- Whitey
- Wolf
- Zowie
- Ultra-Humanite
- Bean
- Cab Protective League
- Furious George
- The Humanites (Earth 2)
- Star, Inc.
- a Tyrannosaurus Rex (temporary host)
- Vandal Savage (Vandar Adg)
- Alternate Selves:
- Baron von Savage (alternate timeline)
- Vandal Savage (Alternate 1958)
- Vandal Savage (Alternate 1975)
- Bruemberg Group
- Caleb
- Cassandra Savage (daughter)
- Colonel Vox
- The Leviathan
- Manhawks
- Sheriff Bud Ellison
- Alternate Selves:
- "The Wall" (Amanda Waller)
- Adam Brown
- Adam Castwidth
- Agent Roger Harrison
- Bureau of Sovereignty
- Helix
- Mister Bones (Robert Todd) (leader)
- Amir
- Arak Wind-Walker
- Baby Boom
- Black Siren (Dinah Laurel Lance) ("Earth-2")
- Cayden James
- Carcharo
- KGBeast (Anatoli Knyazev)
- Kojo Sledgehammer (Alena Whitlock)
- Kritter
- Penny Dreadful
- Richard Dragon (Ricardo Diaz, Jr.)
- Captain Kimberly Hill
- Crosby
- Grim Reaper
- Karl Iscove
- Kullens
- Longbow Hunters
- Marshall Katz
- Officer Brock
- Officer G. D'Aoust
- Officer J. Hester
- Officer P. Parks
- Quadrant
- Cyrus Broderick
- The Underground Men
- Lydia Cassamento
- Remy Cartier
- Cyrus Broderick
- Sam Armand
- Sergeant Marks
- Sheck
- Tao Jones
- Vigilante (Vince Sobel)
- Helix
- Checkmate
- Easy Company
- Eddie Fyers
- Nuri Espinosa
- The Suicide Squad
- Acero
- Afterthought
- Agent Parker
- Akando
- Alchemaster (Hans Rischar)
- Battleaxe
- Battle-Taur (Phil)
- Beanstalk
- Bizarro Boy
- Black Siren (Dinah) (Earth 3)
- Blackstarr (Rachel Berkowitz)
- Bloodletter
- Bloodsport (Robert DuBois)
- Bolt
- Bonnie
- Boris
- Branch
- Brick (Danny Brickwell)
- Briscoe
- Calendar Man (Julian Day)
- Captain Boomerang I (George "Digger" Harkness)
- Captain Boomerang II (Owen "Boomer" Mercer)
- Catalyst
- Cavalier (Hudson Pyle)
- Chimera (Jed Coombs)
- Cinderstare
- Clayface (Earth 23)
- Clock King (Temple Fugate)
- Copperhead
- Cosmonut
- Count Vertigo (Werner Zytle)
- Culebra (Alejandra Cortez)
- Cupid (Carrie Cutter)
- Cyclotron (Clarence Simms)
- Deadeye (Archie Waller)
- Deadshot (Floyd Lawton) (Earth 0)
- Deadshot (Floyd Lawton) (Reality Undetermined)
- Deadshot (Will Evans)
- Defacer (Shawn Tsang)
- The Detachable Kid (Cory Pitzner)
- Doctor Rodriguez
- Doctor Thaumaturge (Jamie Weber)
- Dulce
- Electrocutioner (Lester Buchinsky)
- Eliza
- Enchantress (June Moone)
- Enforcer I (Leroy Merkyn)
- Enforcer II (Mica Love)
- Etrigan the Brainiac 666 (Earth 32)
- Exit (Jason Phillips)
- Fifteen Minutes Man
- Firefly
- The Flapjack (Earth 13) (sentient base)
- Flex
- Grodd (Earth 13)
- Hack (Zalika)
- Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel) (Earth 0)
- Bud and Lou
- "The Clown"
- Ethel and Lucy
- Geraldine the Ghost Car
- Harley Quinn's crew
- The King (Emeron Collins)
- Mr. Belsky
- Mr. Moorehouse
- Mr. Smith
- The Pharaoh (Fletcher Demming)
- Scooby and Scrappy
- William Hastings
- Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) (Earth 8)
- Havana (Odalys Valdez)
- Heat Wave (Rory) ("Earth-12")
- Hot Take
- Hunky Punk (Dorian Ashemore)
- Iceberg (Charles Murray)
- J. Danfield Kale (Jack Kovacs)
- Javelin (Gunter Braun)
- The Joker (Reality Undetermined)
- Juan Soria
- The Justice Squad ("Future State" Timeline)
- Kaliber
- "Kane Wolfman", the Spawn of Slade (Joe Wilson) ("Earth-1")
- The Jackals
- Keymaster
- King Shark (Nanaue)
- The Hammerhead Clan
- Tabitha (wife)
- Kreen
- Prince Shark (Kamea) (brother)
- Richard
- Robert
- Roy
- The Shark God (alternate father)
- The Hammerhead Clan
- King Shark (Shay Lamden) (Reality Undetermined)
- Knockout (Kay Fury)
- Koschei the Deathless (Jess Bright)
- Larry
- Larvanaut
- Lawless (Zoe Lawton) (Reality Undetermined)
- Lawman (Wardell Chambers)
- Leviathan (Lester Witz)
- Lime and Light
- Lok
- Lord Chondraka (Kamo)
- Lord Satanis
- Lor-Zod (Reality Undetermined)
- Lucille
- Mad Dog (Rex)
- Marauder
- Matter-Eater Lad (Tenzil Kem) (Reality Undetermined)
- Meow Meow
- Metamorpheus
- Michael Van Zandt
- Mindboggler (Leah Wasserman)
- Mindwarp (Peter Howard)
- Mister 104 (Jonathan Dubrovny)
- Modem (Wesley Sloan)
- Monstruo (Nadège Toussaint)
- Mrs. Freeze (Victoria Frias) (Reality Undetermined)
- Ms. Clay
- Multiplex (Danton Black)
- The Muscle (Oscar Delgado)
- Night Terror
- Nocturna (Natalia Mitternacht) (Reality Undetermined)
- Olivia
- Outlaw (John Henry Martin)
- The Parademon (Ghekyy't)
- Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
- Parasite (Tony Ivo) ("Earth-12")
- Pathfinder
- Pebbles
- Penny Plunderer (Joseph Coyne)
- Persuader (Cole Parker)
- Pigeon (Beatrice Butler)
- Plastique (Bette Sans Souci)
- Polka Dot Man (Abner Krill)
- Psi (Gayle Marsh)
- Punch and Jewelee
- Putty
- Quartzite
- Ratcatcher (Cleo Cazo)
- Ravan
- Raven (Earth 13)
- Raven (unnamed male)
- Reverse-Flash (Danny West)
- Revolutionaries
- Savant (Brian Durlin)
- Shrapnel (Mark Scheffer)
- Sidearm
- Sidewinder
- Silbón
- Silent Majority
- Silver Swan (Valerie Beaudry)
- Sinestro (Reality Undetermined)
- Sledge I
- Sledge II
- Slipknot (Christopher Weiss)
- Snakebite (Spaulding Pruitt)
- Snarlgoyle (Katie Randles)
- Sportsmaster (Victor Gover)
- Sting (Ronald Sweet)
- Sudden Death (Dwayne Wainwright)
- Tanya Wainright
- Task Force Z
- Tattooed Man (Abel Tarrant)
- Thermal
- The Thinker (Cliff Carmichael)
- Torque
- Twister (Theresa Zimmer)
- Urcell
- Velvet and Worm
- Verdict (Sam Payne)
- Virtuoso (Mandy Bowin)
- Voltaic
- Weasel (John Monroe)
- Weatherman (Henry Bendix)
- Wither (Jade Tice)
- The Writer (Grant Morrison)
- Xavi
- X-Strike (James Gordon, Jr.)
- Yasemin Soze
- Yonder Man
- Yo-Yo (Chang Jie-Ru)
- Zatanna (Earth 13)
- Zebra-Man
- Zizz
- Zoomax (Brian Smith)
- Wotan
- "The House of Brainiac" (The Council of Light) (leaders)
- Absence (Una Nemo)
- Agamemno
- Akurou (Kihito Aramiya)
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-Three)
- Amazo
- Amaz-X
- Amos Fortune
- Amygdala (Aaron Helzinger)
- Angle Man (Angelo Bend)
- Aresia
- The Archer
- Atomic Skull (Joe Martin)
- Awesome Threesome
- Axis America
- Baron Blitzkrieg
- Bat Head
- Batman (Thomas Wayne) (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Big Sir (Dufus P. Ratchet)
- Bizarro II
- Black Bison (Black-Cloud-In-Morning)
- Black Spider (Eric Needham)
- Black Spider (Derrick Coe)
- The Blockbuster Gang
- Blue Moon
- Body Doubles
- Bolt (Larry Bolatinsky)
- Bootface
- Brainiac-1
- Bug (Bernard Bonner)
- Bug-Eyed Bandit (Bertram Larvan)
- Byte (Blythe Bonner)
- The Cadre
- Overmaster
- Aryan Brigade
- Black Mass (Geoffrey Thibodeux)
- Crowbar (Malcolm Tandy)
- Devastator (Jack Snyder)
- The Devil
- Fastball (John Malone)
- The Grand Druid
- The Immortal (Prestor John)
- Lord Ewald Olafsson
- The Mahayogi
- Mohammed Ibn Bornu
- Musashi
- New Extremists
- Nightfall
- Phalanx
- Shatterfist I
- Shatterfist II
- Shrike (Vanessa Kingsbury)
- Starshrike
- Xiuhtecutli
- Calculator (Noah Kuttler)
- Captain Stingaree (Karl Courtney)
- Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
- Angora
- Bongo (lion cub)
- Brown
- Catmen
- Cornell
- Dave the Dummy
- Felix
- The Ghost of Goldie Prawn (projection)
- The Ghost of Kamalii Akana (projection)
- The Ghost of Roger Richards (projection)
- "The Giant Cat" (hologram)
- Giggler
- Gus
- Isis (cat)
- Jack O'Shea
- Kitka (cat)
- Kittens
- Leo
- Lucky Pierre
- Manx
- Marlow
- Marvin the Moose
- Maven
- Penn
- Princess (tiger)
- Pussycat
- Robin (Christopher Collins)
- Roz (cat)
- Spade
- Templar
- Terrible Trio of Tabbies
- Velma (cat)
- Velma, Jr. (cat)
- Cavalier (Mortimer Drake)
- Chain Lightning (Amy)
- Chandell
- Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva)
- Cheetah (Deborah Domaine)
- Chemo
- Cheshire (Jade Nguyen)
- Chillblaine VII
- Chronos (David Clinton)
- Chunk (Chester Runk)
- Cicada (David Hersch)
- Circe
- Clock King (William Tockman)
- Cluemaster (Arthur Brown)
- Cobalt Blue IV
- Cock King
- Codpiece
- Colonel Computron (Basil Nurblin)
- Composite Superman (Joe Meach)
- Constantine Drakon
- The Construct
- Copperhead (Larissa Diaz)
- Crazy Quilt I
- Crazy Quilt II (Paul Dekker)
- Crazy Quilt III
- The Crime Doctor I (Bradford Thorne)
- The Crime Doctor II (Anica Balcescu)
- Dark Archer (Malcolm Merlyn)
- Fitzmartin
- Merlyn Global Group Security
- Tempest Organization
- Unidac Industries
- Dark Nemesis
- Axis (leader)
- Blizard
- Carom
- Scorcher I
- Scorcher II
- Vault
- "Darkseid" (Viktor Mikalek)
- Deadline (James Distefano)
- Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) (Dark Multiverse)
- Deimos
- The Demons Three
- Despera
- Despero
- Devil Ray
- Doctor Cyber
- Doctor Destiny (John Dee)
- Doctor Light (Arthur Light)
- Doctor Moon
- Doctor Phosphorus (Alexander Sartorius)
- Doctor Polaris (Neal Emerson)
- Doctor Trap (Larry Trapp)
- Dollmaker (Barton Mathis)
- Dollmaker's Family
- Doomsday (Ultimate)
- Double Dare
- Eel (Mortimer Coolridge)
- "Eel" Madden
- Effigy (Martin van Wyck)
- Electrocutioner IV
- Emperor Blackgate (Ignatius Ogilvy)
- Eraser (Lenny Fiasco)
- The Evil Sponge
- Evil Star
- Fadeaway Man (Anton Lamont)
- Fatality (Yrra Cynril)
- Firefly (Ted Carson)
- Fisherman
- Flamesplasher and Splash-Blast
- The Flamingo, Eater of Faces (Eduardo Flamingo)
- The Flood
- The Floronic Man (Jason Woodrue)
- Forgotten Villains
- Funky Flashman
- Gamesman
- Gearhead (Nathan Finch)
- The General (Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong)
- The General (Wade Eiling)
- Genocide
- Giganta (Doris Zuel)
- Glenn
- "Gorilla Grodd"
- Goth
- Great White Shark (Warren White)
- Gunsmith (Douglas Worth)
- Hagen
- The Hangmen
- Breathtaker (leader)
- Killshot
- Provoke
- Shock Trauma
- Stranglehold
- The Harpy
- Headcase (Bernard Vinton)
- The Headhunter
- Hector Hammond
- Hellgrammite (Roderick Rose)
- Hellhound (Jack Chifford)
- Hi-Jack
- The Hotness (Earth 0)
- Human Flame (Mike Miller)
- Human Flying Fish (Vic Bragg)
- The Humping Robot
- Hyena I (Summer Day)
- Hyena II (Jivan Shi)
- I.Q. (Ira Quimby)
- Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Earth 22)
- Indigo (Brainiac 8)
- Inertia II
- Injustice Army
- Rex Luthor
- Abra Kadabra
- Bane Jr.
- Bizarrokid
- Black Adam I
- Black Adam II
- Black Manta
- Blackrock
- Blockbuster
- Brainiac 6
- Calendar Man
- Catman
- Catwoman
- Cheetah
- Clayface
- Cluemaster
- Crazy Quilt
- Cyborg Superman
- Deathstroke
- Despero
- Doctor Light
- Doomsdame
- Evil Star
- Felix Faust
- Firefly
- General Zod
- Giganta
- Gizmo
- Gorilla Grodd
- Grundette
- Harley Quinn
- Ice Princess
- Kid Chemo
- Kid Deadshot
- Kid Weather Wizard
- Kite-Man I
- Kite-Man II
- Lord Satanis
- Mammoth
- Man-Bat
- Metallo
- Mister Element (Carl)
- Mister Freeze
- Penguin
- Poison Ivy (Danila)
- Rainbow Raider I
- Rainbow Raider II
- Reverse-Flash
- The Riddler I
- The Riddler II
- Scarecrow
- Shaggy Boy
- Sinestro I
- Sinestro II
- Solomon Grundy
- Sonar
- Superwoman
- Tarantula
- The Shark
- Time Commander
- Toyman
- Trickster
- Two-Face
- Vigilante
- Wotan
- Injustice Guild ("DCAU: Legends" Universe)
- Injustice Society
- Brain Wave (Henry King, Sr.)
- Dragon King (Dr. Shiro Ito)
- The Druid (Blackbriar Thorn)
- The Fiddler I (Isaac Bowin, Sr.)
- The Fiddler II (Anaya Bowin)
- The Fiddler III (Isaac Bowin, Jr.)
- The Gambler (Steven Sharpe III)
- Gentleman Ghost ("Gentleman Jim" Craddock)
- Geomancer I (Adam Fells)
- Geomancer II
- Harlequin (Molly Mayne)
- Hazard (Becky Sharpe)
- Icicle (Joar Mahkent)
- Lily Mahkent (mother)
- Sofus Mahkent (father)
- Johnny Sorrow
- Kestrel
- Killer Wasp
- Doctor Elemental (Professor Hughes)
- Per Degaton
- Rag Doll (Peter Merkel, Sr.)
- The Rival (Edward Clariss)
- Ro-Bear
- The Shade (Dickie Swift)
- Shiv (Cindy Burman)
- Sportsmaster ("Crusher" Crock)
- Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
- The Thinker (Clifford Devoe)
- Tigress I (Paula Brooks)
- Tigress II (Artemis Crock)
- The Wizard (William Zard)
- Invisible Destroyer (Martin Phillips)
- Kanjar Ro
- The Key
- Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)
- Killer Frost II (Louise Lincoln)
- Killer Frost III
- Killer Moth (Drury Walker)
- Kite-Man (Chuck Brown)
- Darryl Brown (father)
- Rubberneck
- Steve
- Wendy Brown (mother)
- Kobra (Lord Naga) (Earth 22)
- Krull
- Lady Lunar (Stacy Macklin)
- Lady Spellbinder (Fay Moffit)
- Lazara (Nora Fries)
- League of Challenger Haters
- Leah
- Legion of Doom (Earth 1956)
- Legion of D(oo-oo-ah-ah)m
- Legion of Fun (Earth 29)
- Legion of Zoom I
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
- Jefferson Jackson (Doomworld)
- "Legion of Doom"
- Time Remnants
- "Dr. Harrison Wells" (Eobard Thawne) (alternate 2013)
- "Dr. Harrison Wells" (Eobard Thawne) (alternate 2015)
- "Dr. Harrison Wells" (Eobard Thawne) (alternate past)
- The Flash (Eobard Thawne) (unknown timeline)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (alternate future)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (alternate past)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (alternate timeline) (I)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (alternate timeline) (II)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (Pre-Flashpoint)
- Blockbuster (Reality Undetermined)
- Bloodwork (Ramsey Rosso)
- Blood Brothers
- Cobalt Blue (Eddie Thawne)
- Folded Man (Xolani)
- Gemini
- Gorilla Grodd
- Arl
- Black Hole Organization
- Commander Grahz
- General Matthew McNally
- Gleek android
- Goldfinger (Wade Eiling) (Arrowverse: Earth-1)
- Lamoola
- Linka (Grodd's sister)
- Ông Trời Mới Cult
- Petey Adams
- Rot
- Sarah Corwin
- Udo
- The Human Block
- Magali
- Papercut (Benedict Booker)
- Peek-a-Boo (Lashawn Baez)
- Razer
- The Rogues
- Abra Kadabra (Citizen Abra)
- Blacksmith (Amunet Black)
- Bug-Eyed Bandit (Brie Larvan)
- Captain Cold (Len Snart)
- Chillblaine (Mark Blaine)
- Doctor Alchemy I (Albert Desmond)
- Doctor Alchemy II (Alvin Desmond)
- Double Down (Jeremy Tell)
- Fallout (Neil Borman)
- The Fiddler (Andrea Wozzeck)
- Fusionn (Manfred Mota)
- Girder (Tony Woodward)
- Godspeed (August Heart)
- Godspeed Army
- Golden Glider (Lisa Snart)
- Goldface (Keith Kenyon)
- Heat Wave (Mick Rory)
- The Hotness (Jaco Birch)
- Magenta (Frances Kane)
- Mirror Master I (Sam Scudder)
- "The Dragon"
- Energy Duplicates
- Marcel
- Serge Tallent
- Smoke
- Stasia Masters
- Mirror Master II (Evan McCulloch)
- Mirror Master III (Ram Prassad) (Earth 56)
- Murmur I (Michael Amar)
- Murmur II (Michelle Amar)
- New Rogues
- Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway)
- Plunder (Jared Morillo) (Reality Undetermined)
- Rainbow Raider (Roy G. Bivolo)
- Red Death (Ryan Wilder) (Earth-4125)
- Replicant (Tony Gambi)
- Silver Ghost (Raya Van Zandt)
- Tar Pit (Joey Monteleone)
- The Top (Roscoe Dillon)
- Trickster I ("James Jesse")
- Trickster II (Axel Walker)
- Turbine (Roscoe Haynes)
- Turtle Man
- Weather Witch (Joss Jackam)
- Weather Wizard I (Mark Mardon)
- Ben Mardon (brother)
- Weather Wizard II (Earth 12)
- Savitar (Barry Allen) (Reality Undetermined)
- The Cult of Savitar
- Selkirk
- Thinker A.I.
- The Turtle (Russell Glosson)
- Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
- Legion of Zoom II
- Lex Luthor (Earth-One)
- Libra I (Justin Ballantine)
- Libra II (Juliette Ballantine)
- Livewire (Leslie Willis)
- Lock-Up (Lyle Bolton)
- The Madmen
- Magpie (Margaret Pye)
- Major Disaster (Paul Booker)
- Major Force (Clifford Zmeck)
- "Make a Deal" McNulty
- Masters of Disaster
- Maxie Zeus
- Metallo (John Corben)
- The Mighty Bruce
- Mime (Camilla Ortin)
- Mirror (Eva Greer)
- The Mist (Kyle Nimbus)
- Mister Camera (Harry Sims)
- Mister Hill
- Mister Mxyzptlk
- Mister Terrible
- Mister White
- Mister Zsasz (Victor Zsasz)
- The Monarch of Menace (original)
- Monocle (Jonathan Cheval)
- Monster Society of Evil
- Mister Mind (Maxivermis Mind) (leader)
- Archibald
- Bonzo
- Captain Nazi (Albrecht Krieger)
- The Crocodile-Men (Earth 0)
- The Crocodile-Men (Earth-S)
- The Crocodile Man (Herkimer) (leader)
- Jorrk
- Sylvester
- Dobbin
- Doctor Hashi
- Doctor Peeyu
- Doctor Smashi
- The Dummy
- Evil Eye
- The Goat-Man
- Herr Phoul
- The Hydra
- Ibac (Stinky Printwhistle)
- Jeepers
- King Kull, the Beastman
- Marmaduke
- Mister Atom
- Mister Banjo (Kurt Flipots)
- Mister Merry-Go-Round
- Mister Who
- Nippo the Nipponese
- Nyola
- Oggar
- Oliphant
- Oliver
- Oom the Mighty
- Ophelius
- Oscar
- Ramulus
- Red Queen
- Scapegoat
- Sinclair Batson
- Sivana Family
- Venusian worm hosts
- The Wicked Witch of the West
- Mrs. Cobblepot
- Joshua Cobblepot (son)
- Ms. Pfluger
- Mud Pack
- Nick Necro (Nicolas Nolan)
- Nocturna I (Natalia Knight)
- Nocturna II (Natalia Mitternacht)
- The Nuclear Family
- Nuclear Legion
- Oracle (android)
- Onomatopoeia
- The Overlord
- Papa Midnite (Linton Midnite)
- Parasite (Alexandra Allston)
- Parasite (Rudy Jones)
- The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot)
- Armand
- Bad News Birds
- Bruno Tess
- Candy
- Cherry
- Chickadee
- Christopher Klinsky
- Cordy Blue
- Dale
- Derek Delaware
- Dickey
- Dr. Desoto
- Eagleton
- Eve Carlo
- Falcone
- Finella
- Gabe
- Gerald
- G.O.O.N. (Grand Order of Occidental Nighthawks)
- The Help
- Jacob Weaver
- Jay (male)
- Jay (female)
- The Kabuki Twins
- Lark
- Lola Lasagne (Lulu Schultz)
- Loose Lips (Richard Leblanc)
- Matey Dee
- Mikey Stone
- Miss Clean
- Miss Patterson
- Mister Sardine (Gary McCormick)
- Nick Fuchs
- Olga
- Pengbot Maximus
- Pengbot Maximus 2.0
- Penny
- The Phoenix (robot)
- Phosphorus (Garfield Lynns) (Reality Undetermined)
- Rachel Strader
- Rag Doll
- Raven (male)
- Raven (female)
- The Red Triangle Gang
- Richie
- The Roc (robot)
- Scrap the Vulture
- Sheldrake
- Sickle (Abramovichi)
- Silverback
- Simon
- Stretch
- The Swift Sisters
- Tarquin Stemmel
- The Thunderbird (robot)
- Tiny
- Tracey Buxton
- Turaco
- Ventriloquist (Arthur Penn)
- Victor Aguilar
- Calvin (friend)
- Zeke
- Piranha-Man (Charybdis)
- Prankster (Oswald Loomis)
- Prixiam Nol-Anj
- Professor Pyg (Lazlo Valentine)
- Prometheus I
- Prometheus II (Chad Graham)
- Psycho-Pirate (Roger Hayden)
- Puppeteer (Jordan Weir)
- The Puzzler
- Quakemaster (Robert Coleman)
- Queen Bee (Zazzala)
- H.I.V.E.
- Agent No. 7 (Willis Darrow)
- Agent Tiernan
- Al Diamond
- Alice Smith
- Arlo
- Brother Eye (Cooper Seldon)
- Captain Bombus
- Captain Bumble
- Captain BuzzzCutt
- Chief Engineer Wolzie
- Creepella
- Damien Darhk
- "Damien Darhk" (impostor)
- Dr. Dan Edwards
- Dr. Joseph Nolan
- Dr. Sarah Viera
- Dr. Tobias Thomas
- Drone 27 (Willis Ryan)
- The Extractor (Otto Müller)
- Franklin Crandall
- The Ghosts
- Grasshopper
- H.I.V.E. Master
- H.I.V.E. Mistress
- H.I.V.E. Queen I
- H.I.V.E. Queen II
- H.I.V.E. War Machine
- Jackal
- Major Honeygut
- Master Jailer android
- Milo Armitage
- Mina Fayad
- The Mind Control Squid
- Mother Mayhem
- Orful
- Phaedra Nixon
- Ruvé Adams
- Stinger
- Tomas
- Weirdley Creepley
- H.I.V.E.
- Rampage (Kitty Lou Faulkner)
- Ratcatcher (Otis Flannagan)
- The Ravens
- Red Medvo
- Red Panzer (Justin)
- Red Volcano
- Requisitions-T01-VWMA
- Requisitions-T01-VWMC
- Requisitions-T01-VWTH
- Requisitions-VA
- Requisitions-V-STYL
- Requisitions-VW
- Respawn
- Royal Flush Gang
- Ace android (II)
- Ace of Clubs IV
- Ace of Diamonds IV (Jesse)
- Ace of Spades III (Ernest Clay)
- Ace of Spades V
- Ace of Spades IX
- Ace of Spades X (Chet)
- Ace of Spades XIII (Kyle Reston)
- Ace of Spades XIV
- Ace of Spades XV
- Jack of Clubs VI
- Jack of Clubs VII
- Jack of Diamonds IV
- Jack of Diamonds VI (Jack)
- Jack of Hearts II
- Jack of Hearts VI (Jake Fox)
- Jack of Spades III
- Jack of Spades V ("Deuce" Canyard)
- Jack of Spades VII
- Jack of Spades VIII
- Jack of Spades XII (Jack Walker)
- Jack of Spades XIII
- Jack of Spades XIV
- Jack of Spades XV (Wyatt)
- Jack of Spades XIX (Teddy Reston)
- Jack of Spades XX
- King of Clubs IV (Keith)
- King of Clubs V
- King of Clubs VI
- King of Diamonds II
- King of Diamonds VI (Frank)
- King of Hearts II
- King of Spades I (Joseph Carney)
- King of Spades VII
- King of Spades XV
- King of Spades XVI (Mr. Walker)
- King of Spades XVIII
- King of Spades XXI (Derek Reston)
- King of Spades XXII
- King of Spades XXIII
- Mrs. Reston
- Queen of Clubs V (Maureen)
- Queen of Clubs VI
- Queen of Diamonds V
- Queen of Hearts IX
- Queen of Spades I (Mona Taylor)
- Queen of Spades II
- Queen of Spades IX
- Queen of Spades X (Donna Walker)
- Queen of Spades XI
- Queen of Spades XII
- Queen of Spades XVII
- Ten of Clubs VI (Jenna)
- Ten of Clubs VII
- Ten of Spades II (Wanda Wayland)
- Ten of Spades VII
- Ten of Spades X
- Ten of Spades XI (Melanie Walker)
- Ten of Spades XII
- Ruin (Dr. Emil Hamilton)
- Sabbac (Ishmael Gregor)
- Scallop
- Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
- Adam Mudough
- Anthony
- "constructs" (hallucinations):
- Eddie and Edward
- The Guru
- Gus
- Nigel
- Scream Queen
- The "Shadow Batman"
- Torchy
- Scarecrow (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Scavenger (Peter Mortimer)
- The Screech Owl
- Sea Wolf
- Secret Six
- Shadow Thief I (Carl Sands)
- Shadow Thief II (Aviva Metula)
- The Shark (Karshon)
- Shellshock (Ruth Spencer)
- Signalman (Phil Cobb)
- Silver Ghost (Raphael Van Zandt) (Earth-X)
- Silver Banshee (Siobhan McDougal)
- Bridget Black (host)
- Clan McDougal
- Simon Stagg
- Stagg Enterprises
- Sinestro
- Sinestro Corps
- Amon Sur
- Ampa Nnn
- Arkillo
- Bedovian
- Bekka
- Bizarro Green Lantern
- Borialosaurus
- Braach
- Bratha
- Bur'Gunza
- C.H.A.D.
- Combo
- Craxxel
- The Creeper
- Despotellis
- Dawwl
- DevilDog
- Dez Trevius
- Duel Eknham
- Enkafos
- Fantas-M
- Fat Man
- Feena Sik
- Filo
- Flayt
- General Chang
- Glarsh
- Gleen
- Gorgor
- Haasp the Hunter
- Horku
- Imecsub
- Jezra
- Karu-Sil
- Kendar
- Kiriazis
- Kretch
- Kryb
- Little Boy
- Lobo
- Low
- Lyssa Drak
- Maash
- Malia
- Mallow
- The Manhunters
- The Manhunter Grandmaster (leader)
- The Manhunter Highmaster (overseer)
- Chief Bernard Ferguson
- Commissioner Gordon robot
- Doiby Dickles robot
- Dr. G.I. Whitney robot
- Harlequin (Marcie Cooper)
- Harold Hadley
- Manhunter (Dirk Davis)
- Mary Frances Cassidy
- Mr. Smith
- Mrs. Whitney robot
- Ms. Hunter
- Ms. Wootenhoofer
- Overthrow (Arnold Beck)
- Pan impostor
- Rocket Red 7 (Vladimir Mikoyan)
- Rudy West
- Meershom
- Mongul IV
- Moose
- Murr the Melting Man (Ausiin Snow)
- Narok
- Nax
- Nocturna
- Panupak
- Parallax
- Professor Insidd
- Quasitrell
- Quintet
- Ranx the Sentient City
- Raynunn
- Rigen Kale
- Romat-Ru
- Sarko
- Schlagg-Man
- Scivor
- Seer Ruggle
- Setag Retss
- Sinson Corps
- Sinson (Korg) (leader)
- Curtizz
- Lollipop the Dog
- Luap
- Sirket
- Skurry
- Slushh
- Smithwick
- Snap Trap
- Sn'Hoj
- Space Ape (Lorix)
- Stanch
- Strafe
- Straix
- Subject 82
- Szanio
- Tankar
- Tekik
- Tri-Eye
- Tristia
- Two-Lobe
- Tzaari
- Ugg-I
- unnamed Yautja Yellow Lantern
- The Weaponer
- Wick
- Xander Griffin
- Xanti
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 11
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 65
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 0117
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 435
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 465
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 703
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 1679
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 2082
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 2095
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 2332
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 2809
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 2825
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 3544
- Yellow Lantern of Sector 3550
- Yellow Lantern of the Llaran System (Earth 1)
- Zort
- Sinestro Corps
- Siren
- Sizematic Twins
- Skorpio (Dennis Ellis)
- Smart Bomb (Randy Kellog)
- Snowflame (Stefan)
- Sonar (Bito Wladon)
- Sphynx
- Spinner ("Swami" Ymar)
- Sportsmaster (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris)
- Star Sapphire (Remoni-Notra)
- Starro (Star-∅)
- Strike Force Kobra
- Superboy-Prime (Kal-El) (Earth-Prime)
- The Superior Five
- Tala
- Tally Man (original)
- Tapeworm
- Ted Krosby
- Ten-Eyed Man (Philip Reardon)
- Terra-Man (Toby Manning)
- Terror Titans
- Thinker (Gaius Grieves)
- Titans East
- Tomorrow, the Future Man ("T.O. Morrow")
- Toyman I (Winslow Schott, Sr.)
- Toyman II (Jack Nimball)
- Toyman III (Winslow Schott, Jr.) (Earth 12)
- Toymaster (Schott) (Reality Undetermined)
- Trident (team)
- Trident IV
- Trigger Twins
- Two-Face (Harvey Dent)
- Ultraviolet Lantern
- Ultrawoman (Lena Luthor)
- The Ventriloquist (Arnold Wesker) and Scarface
- Villany, Inc.
- Blue Snowman (Byrna Brilyant)
- Cheetah (Priscilla Rich)
- Chauncy (cheetah)
- Cyborgirl (LeTonya Charles)
- Doctor Cyber robot
- Doctor Poison I (Princess Isabel Maru)
- Doctor Poison II
- Doctor Psycho (Edgar Cizko)
- The Duke of Deception (Dolos)
- "constructs" (illusions)
- Eviless
- Giganta (Earth-Two)
- Hypnota
- Professor Calculus (Edmund Davies)
- Queen Clea
- Silver Swan (Vaness Kapatelis)
- Sweetheart
- Team Poison
- Veronica Cale
- Zara, Priestess of the Crimson Flame
- Volcana (Claire Selton)
- Vordigan, the Dark Archer
- Vulcan, Son of Fire (Christopher Pike)
- White Rabbit (Jaina Hudson)
- Zookeeper (Samuel Register)
- The Light (leaders)
- Anti-Monitor (Mobius)