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- "3B" (MA)
- "Ace" (Gladiator) (MA)
- "Alecto" (Fake Red Slayers) (MA)
- "Amazing Fantasy Boy" (MA)
- "Amphibious Horror" (MA)
- "Ancient Space Demon Parasite" (MA)
- "Angry Man" (MA)
- "Arms" Akimbo (MA)
- "Asset 52" (MA)
- "Babyface" Ann Repucci (MA)
- "Bad Brains" Brent Bennigan (MA)
- "Bae" (Hijacker) (MA)
- "Band-Aid Guy" (MA)
- "Beautiful" Freddie Baumgardner (MA)
- "Bessie" (Sea Monster) (MA)
- "Big Bruiser" (MA)
- "Big Fella" (MA)
- "Big Green" (MA)
- "Big Head"/Devil (Clone) (MA)
- "Big Prehistoric-Bug-Meets-Sea-Monster" (MA)
- "Big" Bull Bulowsky (MA)
- "Big" Mike Mallony (MA)
- "Black" Jack Barker (MA)
- "Boss" Blaine (MA)
- "Bright Eyes" (MA)
- "Candy" Mike Flynn (MA)
- "Captain America's Number One Fan" (MA)
- "Casanova" Chris Sims (MA)
- "Chickenhead" (MA)
- "Chilly McHotpants" (MA)
- "Christy Hayden" (MA)
- "Clawed One" (MA)
- "Clonepool" (MA)
- "Cruella" Cortese (MA)
- "Cyclops Security Guy" (MA)
- "Damsel in Distress" (MA)
- "Dangerous Creep" (MA)
- "Deadpan" Louie Sansome (MA)
- "Dengue Dan" Thompson (MA)
- "Diablo" (Ghost) (MA)
- "Dirty" Jake Jones (MA)
- "Eldritch Horror" (MA)
- "Erik" (Urmut) (MA)
- "Faithful Deputy" (MA)
- "Filthy" Frankie Zapruder (MA)
- "Flapalong" (MA)
- "Gargoylee" (MA)
- "Giant Green Mustachioed Android" (MA)
- "God" (Alien Entity) (MA)
- "Grrrr-Something" (MA)
- "Guardian" (Dreadnought) (MA)
- "Handsome" Harry Phillips (MA)
- "Harvey Madsen Number 22" (MA)
- "Helen" (Deviant) (MA)
- "Hellish Octopus" (MA)
- "Hobbes" (Mutate) (MA)
- "Huggy" Maddox (MA/DCU:UC)
- "Inner Child" (MA)
- "Iron Octopus" (MA)
- "Jay-Hole" Jacobs (MA)
- "JesterNTime" (MA)
- "Knucks" Connors (MA)
- "Lambert" (Impostor) (MA)
- "Laughing Hyena" (MA)
- "Little John" Giovanni (MA)
- "Little" Gene Durante (MA)
- "Little" John Lewandow (MA)
- "Living Windmill" (MA)
- "Loose-Lips" Lonigan (MA)
- "Maggot" (The Hand) (MA)
- "Major" (Bronze Bull) (MA)
- "Malekith's Most Loyal" (MA)
- "Man-Eater Sicko" (MA)
- "Masked Fiend" (MA)
- "Mom" Rozum (MA)
- "Mr. Big Bad Goat Sucker" (MA)
- "Mr. High-Five" (MA)
- "Mutant Language"/Etienne (MA)
- "My Greatest Creation" (MA)
- "Nervous" Neil Rivait (MA)
- "No Idea" (MA)
- "No-Good" Alex Williams (MA)
- "Nobody Anybody Knows" (MA)
- "Not-hra" (MA)
- "Paul Maitreya" (MA)
- "Peanuts" Mulroony (MA)
- "Persistent" (MA)
- "Plastic Monstrosity" (MA)
- "Pops" Paguro (MA)
- "Punchy" (Monster Mob) (MA)
- "Randy Lee Watson" (MA)
- "Red Cap" (Pirate) (MA)
- "Rembrandt" Rico (MA)
- "Rogue Hulkbuster" (MA)
- "Rosemary's Baby" (MA)
- "Scarface" Ed Sampson (MA)
- "Scratcher" Martin (MA)
- "SilverCenturion7893" (MA)
- "Sir Splodesalot" (MA)
- "Skull-Top" (MA)
- "Slash" LMD (MA)
- "Smash-Face" (MA)
- "Someone Else" (MA)
- "Sparky" (Alien) (MA)
- "Square-Head"/Jeremy (MA)
- "Squishy" (MA)
- "Street Urchin" (MA)
- "Supreme Leader" (MA)
- "Tattooed Man" (MA)
- "Terrible Tom" Garrett (MA)
- "The Big One" (Kronan) (MA)
- "The Biggest Jack-in-the-Box I've Ever Seen" (MA)
- "The Blasphemous Horror" (MA)
- "The Business" (MA)
- "The Disease" (MA)
- "The Enemy" (MA)
- "The Idol" (MA)
- "The Master Dragon" (MA)
- "The Most Dangerous Man in Brooklyn" (MA)
- "The Thing" (Demon) (MA)
- "The Ugliest One" (MA)
- "The Unknown Abomination" (MA)
- "The Villain" (MA)
- "Thin Man" (MA)
- "Thing of Wood" (MA)
- "Thumper" Morgan (MA)
- "Thunderbolt" Ross (Robot) (MA)
- "Thunderbolt" Ross LMD (MA)
- "Thy Murderous Creation" (MA)
- "True" Popovich (MA)
- "Two Sight" Gallager (MA)
- "Ugly" (Mutant) (MA)
- "Ugly" Mack Thornton (MA)
- "Waterboy" (MA)
- "Weight of the Warrior" Proverb Made Manifest (MA)
- "Weird Bear-Man" (MA)
- "Whiz Bang" Belito (MA)
- "Who Knows" (MA)
- "Winged One" (Demon) (MA)
- "Wrinkle-Face" (MA)